Setting Permissions to Deploy a Module

How to assign permissions to deploy (add) a module to a page using the AdminRegistered users who are members of the Administrators role. These users have full access to manage the site including adding, deleting and editing all pages and modules. Administrators also have access to the Admin pages located on the main menu. Extensions module.

  1. Navigate to AdminRegistered users who are members of the Administrators role. These users have full access to manage the site including adding, deleting and editing all pages and modules. Administrators also have access to the Admin pages located on the main menu. > Advanced Settings > Extensions.
  2. Expand the Modules section.
  3. Click the Edit button beside the required module.
  4. Expand the ModuleDNN uses a modular design system to display content on a page. One or more modules are added to each site page to create and manage the site content. There are many different types of modules, each managing a different type of site content or site administrative tasks. Settings section.
  5. Optional. To set permission for individual users, complete the following:
    1. In the Username text box, enter a username.
    2. Click the Add button.
  6. Optional. At FilterThe ability to limit the potential results that will be returned, searched or filtered. By Group, select a Role Group to view the related roles. This filter can be removed or changed at any time. Note: This field is only displayed if one or more role groups have been created.
  7. In the Can Deploy column, set the permissions for each role/username as follows:
  8. Click the Update Desktop ModuleDNN uses a modular design system to display content on a page. One or more modules are added to each site page to create and manage the site content. There are many different types of modules, each managing a different type of site content or site administrative tasks. button.

Setting module deployment permissions